Vertical Batch Technology (VBT)
Vertical Batch Technology is the result of updating the older technology known as the “Dandekar/Induss process” developed by CFTRI (Central Food Technological Research Institute) in Mysore, India. Plants with this technology only produce between 20 and 130 tons a day, so it is more suitable for plants with smaller capacities.
VBT is suitable for processing all the major varieties of paddy (short, medium and long). It is easy to manage, and to control all the parameters, thanks to flexibility at each step of the process. The paddy is first separated from impurities and classified according to its length, thickness and density, then the required quantity is transferred into the soaking tank. Here the product is completely soaked in warm water at atmospheric pressure. During the operation, the water is recycled and kept at constant temperature. After soaking, the wet and heated paddy is dropped into a vertical autoclave tank and the water is drained. The paddy is then cooked in the autoclave, using a constant flow of pressurized steam for several minutes to complete the gelatinization process.
After a set time the paddy is discharged into the hopper underneath, from which it is transferred by a special vibrating sieve conveyor to the first pass of the drying line for the final drying process. the advantages of this technology are the following:
- The intermittent, successive batch-loading system makes it possible to set process times and temperatures best adapted for each individual batch. This system allows the plant to work one or two shifts a day (instead of 24 hours a day as required by the continuous technology) without compromising on product quality.
The modular plant construction makes it possible to increase production according to market requirements.