Cooperations 2022-02-21T15:05:39+01:00


Business handshake on digital background as symbol of global interaction

The company SUPERBRIX S.A., with many years of worldwide experience in the rice and cereals market, has built innovative solutions for agribusiness technology, offering the world more versatile and productive processing plants. Thanks to this technological partnership, we are able to extend and offer complete lines also with conditioning, storage, cleaning, dryers and milling systems, to fullfit all the customers’ requirements.

The Sontag Consult team boasts 30 years of experience in the most advanced rice processing technologies, in the management of new projects and in commercial know-how. The Sontag Consult company assists us in commercial development and sales in Thailand, Vietnam and in the context of specific projects in other countries.

In 2015, our company and the Chinese company Changsha Tech 3 Ltd signed a collaboration agreement for the construction and supply of parboiled rice processing plants in the Asian market. The synergy with Changsha Tech 3 includes a wide range of technical solutions and products at the service of the food industries. 

We signed a technical cooperation agreement with the company CE.R & S, which allow our Company to offer to the customers a 360 ° support in the development of new food processes on cereal and legume based products. By virtue of this synergy, strategic collaborations have also been signed with universities specializing in the food sector.


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